My parents had a small care home when I was a kid, and since my grandparents lived in Europe, the elderly patients at my parents’ care home became our honorary grandparents. Unicorn gym unicorn weightlifting shirt We used to have so much fun playing the piano with them, boardgames, taking them for walking, baking together, watching movies, taking them shopping, or even just hearing their amazing stories.
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Just to let you guys know not all homes are like that. I’m a caregiver at a nursing home and all of my residents are basically extended grandparents and I love them so much and would never ever let harm come to them and if I ever saw someone else mistreating them I would make sure they would never be back. Unicorn gym unicorn weightlifting shirt Just know that you only hear the horror stories, you don’t hear about all the joys and loving moments that we caregivers experience with your loved ones when you’re not able to be there. Some people have no family at all and we are all that they have.
Yes, there are some horrible caregivers in large care homes out there, but I think it’s safe to say that the majority of them are good homes with kind caregivers. My mom always made sure her patients got the best homecooked meals, and my dad made sure they were safe and helped lift them when they couldn’t stand, etc. My sister now has a care home, and she is the same way. She makes sure her patients are well taken care of, happy, and comfortable.
Agreed! Not all the nursing homes are bad. My Sister worked at one in college and many of the same staff are still working there. My Dad wound up there, due to dementia. It was very comforting to know some of the staff and my Mom visited him almost every single day. He was very well treated and the staff were all truly amazing!
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