In this day of animosity over political parties, mistrust of authorities, racial tensions, people staring down at their phones & people bustling about Crazy unicorn lady shirt with no care or concern for others, this video is a refreshing change. I absolutely love it! I’m convinced there are more good people in this world than there are bad.
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Remove the word ‘hate’ from your vocabulary, look around at others near you to see if anyone needs help & talk to the people in lines, at the bus stop, in the parks or in restaurants. We are our brother’s keeper! Be polite, say please and thank you. Show respect by using ma’am & sir. Open doors for others. Take groceries out of grocery baskets if you see someone struggling to do it. Be kind & pay it forward! Crazy unicorn lady shirt As Keb Mo sings in his song, “Life is beautiful, life is wondrous, every star above is shining just for us.” Or as Bobby Mcferrin songs, “Dont worry, be happy.” And have a most glorious day! The adults always assume everything someone younger says is an “excuse” instead of listening and giving them the benefit of the doubt. I have learned im better off keeping quiet then stating my reasons as its “always an excuse”.
Older people always act like theyve never once made a mistake, were never late for work/interview because something happened, act like they never said or done anything that was taken as an excuse. Theres a point when you need to reflect back on your life and remember how it was when you were their age or in their shoes. I was once late for an interview because I couldn’t find a clean pair of socks! When I arrived the interviewer refused to even see me. Good thing because I ended up making much more money at my current job! But the truth is a. the rewards of great relationships is worth it, and b. there is a kind of freedom in giving people room to be themselves. It takes all burdens and pretenses that I would normally put on myself away. Burden off of my shoulders, and I’m stronger for it.
Be cool with it and hope you like it

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