that would have been way cooler for her character. She also should have yelled something to grey worm Tormund and brienne but I see the way she looks at me game of thrones shirt in a language that only he understood. Something touching and romantic. But we get “Dracarus” instead….very lacking and disappointing
Tormund and brienne but I see the way she looks at me game of thrones shirt
The writers have skipped or short changed every dialogue this season. Dany needs Massendai saying Dracarys to convince her at this point. Its lazy bro. Dont tell me you don’t see a difference between seasons 1-6 to seasons 7-8 I see a big change and lazy writting and missing plot. Alot of things could’ve/should’ve been diffrent. For exemple jorah should have die the moment the dothrakis charges. Imagine an headless jorah coming back on his horse. Tormund and brienne but I see the way she looks at me game of thrones shirt Also bran could’ve been usefull in the battle by controlling a dragon or going back in the past to try to change stuff i mean he clearly was the one to make the mad king going crazy. Anyway my point is as much as how this season was made with lazy writting, plot holes and flaws.. I liked missendei only saying dracaris. It was simple and it sent a clear message to fuck them up
so far is the only one good enough to make battle plans jons shit at it dany sucks sansa don’t tell anyone her plans and rob pulled off he biggest oop di oop and captured at the time the best swordsmen in the 7 kingdoms they are Talking about her as a mad Queen cause of her father. It’s war, innocent people are dying. Robert baratheon was killing targaryen babies cause rhaegar stole his girl and no one ever said he was mad. Double standards i guess Tyrion is a brilliant administrator and politician, but he not a military man. Robert Baratheon was a military man and had he three dragons he would have won the war in one day. he did well on the battle of blackwater though. It feels like they’ve botched Tyrion’s ‘smart’ now. Ive lost all hope for them ti win against Cersei already. D&D basically just wants the show to end lol.
Have a nice time and hope you love it
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