not even me. but, we are to ask for forgiveness everyday. son, you just don’t play around Today I’m wearing a lovely shade of I slept like shit so don’t piss me off shirt with your life and fall asleep without forgiveness and the faith of god in your heart.then you will see hell for real! may god’s blessings be up on you.
Today I’m wearing a lovely shade of I slept like shit so don’t piss me off shirt
sorry sweetheart. in this case love have nothing to do with it. because, if you truely love the lord, you wont be laying up with woman, or mam trying to sex up another man. how nasty and demon spirit, you are living! god teach us to love one another, that i do, and to hate the spirit that is on the person that believe Today I’m wearing a lovely shade of I slept like shit so don’t piss me off shirt what they are doing is sooo true, and right! i love my sis. and brother. but, i hate the evil spirit that is controling theirs mind and body may the lord jesus christ save you from the evil spirits that is consuming your mind to live in lustful sin. try another word. the reason is, deep down inside of your heart you know when you are living a sin, lie. see your creator, our heavenly father. put these feelings inside when he create us. it’s my job as a save christian to tell ppl.
about the one and only god, the king of all kings! how are he came to give us life, to save us from sin. (going to hell) because, it is real! no matter what you or anyone else says that i’m wrong in telling all about god, and living in sin. i’m gonna do this til the day i die. that’s my mission! just repent & be baptized, for the remission of your sin! …yes, there is no perfect person. know you mean well but in order for anyone to hear you…. you have to be mindful not to offend and damage them in the process. The Bible says with love and kindness have I drawn thee. I see that you are passionate about the Word of God as we all should be but we must be wise to win souls. Correction without love is not God’s instruction to us. Please even recieve what I am saying in love. You will be used mightily by God once you understand and implement the right strategies to win souls. We can’t repel them out the gate and then hope to still win them
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