Stay at home moms kids go to school I find haves it easy. You have what 5-6 hours all to your self to clean and do what ever you want in peace. When you have small kids with you all day Thou shalt not kill my vibe shirt that makes things a bit harder. I homeschool my 4 kids, so I dnt have that 5-6 hours of freedom to clean. I look forward to school holidays because that the only time I get to spring cleaning as I dnt have to do school.
Thou shalt not kill my vibe shirt
school..diapers changes all day…make dinner…have the kids take a bath and give baby bath…get them in bed…still up with baby off and on all no real sleep..sleep deprivation kicks in but i still have to take care of everyone..well if i dont go to bed when baby does and take a shower then baby will wake up and ill get even less sleep. So no shower sometimes for me. Dinner baby threw food all ober mopping and sweeping before i go to bed. Wiping counters…dishes from dinner. Extra Laundry because of messy baby. Help with homework. Ect. Thou shalt not kill my vibe shirt This is all in one day…i used to work and it was much easier. No crying kids or poopy diapers and big messes. Just adult time. Being a stay at home mom is more mentally draining and exhaustion with noise. Times that list by about fifteen and that’s a normal day for a mom at home with small kids. Homeschooling moms who have kids in sports and are active in church or organizations are some seriously busy people.
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Yeah. By yourself. A 1 person household is different than a family household, with kids that arnt old enough to help. More people, more rooms, more clothes, bedding, towels. More dishes. More crumbs. Hella more socks. God I hate socks. More trash. More food packaging. More fucking toiletpapier roles a day that no one bothers to change. Im not a stay at home but I wish I was so we all could relax in the evenings. Im lucky my man isnt an ass. He does alot in our house, but even together it is hella work to keep everything clean and organized and 2 minutes later it’s all a mess again. If only I could afford a maid.
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