this is a rich against the poor society. The poor protest but they are not heard or cared The title cna can not be inherited nor can be poster because they have bartered away their freedom to speak or blackmailed into remaining silent. As for the rich countries who don’t speak up they serve the American interest by even buying arms, worth billions from them.
The title cna can not be inherited nor can be poster
Nobody’s denying they are not puppets who are merely controlled. What has China done compare to the western arm sellers that devastated, starved, killed and made homeless millions of muslims in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Are you blind? China is rehabilitating the brainwashed Uighur, not killing them! And what had Muslim leaders done in eradicating deviant Islamic following? The title cna can not be inherited nor can be poster what makes you think the muslims there need rehabilitation? what brainwashes your talking about? or is it the other way round where the China govt systematically brainwashing them in communist dogma?
Most of these Muslim countries have decided to honor their business commitments with China than to stand up to its abuses of fellow Muslims. China offered them a convenient diplomatic solution by inviting them to take a tour of the detention facilities where a sanitized version was shown to them to make matters easier for both Muslims never allow other religion to practice in their countries. No civil rights either!! But, demand all the rights in the countries in which they go as immigrants / migrants and as refugees!! What kind of exchange it is!!?? China has got every right to defend their country if Muslims act against it!!
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