Every stablishment in our country are staffed with mandatory english or any second language proficiency, Trauma llama alpaca your wound nurse shirt as a qualification to be hired in other to work, so that we will never be branded as ignorant, stupid, dumb or any degrading commentary.
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We are a very proud race that excel in any field all over the world. it’s not rude to talk a different language. I’ll do it if I want, and if you don’t like it you can kiss my ass. Customer or not. If you think it’s rude, you’re probably an insecure dumbass. And if I’m in America, I’m American by the way, and I see this shit, as a fellow customer I’ll be telling you to fuck off somewhere else. Trauma llama alpaca your wound nurse shirt it’s very rude for people to be nosey and not minding their own business… I’m sure you dont tell the Chinese nail salon workers to only speak english when they are talking to each other Exactly that’s what these people should know and most importantly that Restaurant owner and staff have to learn before they do business/study
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if they were immigrants. German is tough language. get a hold of yourself … the subservient nature you refer to doesent allow anyone to be rude and certainly not to be racist or xenophobic. How you can justify these “ladies” behaviour is beyond comprehension. belligerent and threatening? How? He responding to a rude disruptive customers.

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