In 30 years of ER nursing. I had one patient stop off in ER to thank me for saving his life. Stethoscope nurse los angeles dodgers shirt He arrived without a heartbeat. Just one thankyou. Still worth it. But completely disabled at 49 as I was an old polio and I wore out.
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As a patient who suffers from numerous chronic illnesses and makes many a trip to the hospital and doctor’s office, I am so grateful for nurses. I am grateful for doctors too, don’t get me wrong. But often, I am left feeling ignored, dejected, and even abused by some doctors, and the wonderful nurses are left to pick up the pieces. I have had many a nurse hold me when I fell apart after another diagnosis or just while I was in pain. Stethoscope nurse los angeles dodgers shirt Thank you for having a heart for us. the nurses were always there for me when I was crying and was always giving me encouragement when I needed it bless all the nurses they need to get paid more for everything they do
Seriously? I’m so glad you weren’t one of my instructors. That high and mighty “back in my day…uphill both ways” crap is so wrong. You CHOSE nursing, a field with incredible upward mobility and education opportunities…if you wanted to be worth paying more in your 30 years of nursing, you had plenty of options to do it. I did it because it became my purpose. So get off the rant on me, done it for 30yrs because it’s my profession. I am not a righteous RN, I was taught by the best to be the best. And for your info there, ANDY, you would have been dam lucky to have myself as a instructor. Along with science, I would have taught you some class. As a former licensed vocational nurse I would say the good nurses earn respect without asking for it. They certainly don’t go on social media about it. The nurses who are empathetic and compassionate get my respect no question. The nurses who are more interested in stabbing coworkers in the back to win favor of administration and stealing narcotics from patients can kiss my ass. A medical director once said, “Nurses eat their own.” You better believe it. It’s why I got out.
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