my family died for their country and forevery American no matter their race….. but for ungrateful pieces of garbage like you, that bennifet from my family My favorite nurse calls me dad shirt and from my Country this is why im against illegal Immigration because all the do is claim assylum which is a lie majority of the time
My favorite nurse calls me dad shirt
we will get tired of dealing like this and kick it all back to mexico like we have in the past….. you do realize America is a beast and all this leftist crap is like walking on thin ICE and when you idiots finally grasp ahold of that concept maybe yall will grow big enough balls to fight for your own homes in your home countries wouldn’t be nice My favorite nurse calls me dad shirt if you sister’s kids got to experience being sold into sex trafficking at the hands of those who took them. Then she could really know what it’s like to be at the hands of european occupation terrorists like the rest of us. .
Get it now or regret later

Hopefully she learns one day do you really think the pansy conservacowards who hide behind their guns out of terror of any one not white, who uses terror tactics because they are too feeble to stand face to face, that is ignorant and inbred could actually win a civil war? It would be nice to cut out the rot though most of which is supporting the usurper chump. thats your own people selling kids into sex trade, and selling drugs cause they are to scared to die in a civil war like my ancestors had to in order to have the most powerful nation in the world….
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