Such an inspiration! I’ve been lucky to have the chance to get to know her when I help out with a nurse camp for high school students run by Retired nurse under new management see grandkids for details shirt the hospital she works at in the summer. I’ve seen her in action in the surgery department. This video is old. She is actually 94 this year!
Retired nurse under new management see grandkids for details shirt
In a perfect world, we would all get to know a person, regardless of age, sex, etc before judging. I applaud the 90 year old nurse still working in a hospital. That is amazing!!!! The things she could teach us all. She may not even be working full shift in those 2 days. This story really inspire to never get old. Even though we agw, we dont need to become an old person.. This lady remained relevant hence the reason why she can still work along side her colleagues. Even if its 2 days a week. Blessings. My grandma is almost 70, and is a nurse, will continue to be one. Retired nurse under new management see grandkids for details shirt My grandpa turns 77 next month & has been a maintenance man for 12 years at his job. He’s in great health & doesn’t want to retire. His job loves him because he is dedicated to his job. I know this seems cute to most, and perhaps some may say I am coldhearted for which I am about to say but it is about high time to pass on the torch the younger generation and enjoy retirement. She probably is still working because we live in a society in which elders still have to work in order to make a living ffs!
Even if she worked to pay off her student loans for someone at the age of 90 and still working as a nurse to care for people that is amazing and she looks darn good for 9 years old god bless her very strong woman who deserves a lot of respect and love! My dear mother is an ER nurse. Therefore I know how demanding, physically and mentally heavy, heartbreaking, and often thankless job it is. Nurses are as much heroes as doctors. I hope that SeeSee meets a lot of kindness and love in her life to reward her efforts. Or better yet, maybe we should we have a society where we support parents enough that they don’t ever feel like they can’t take care of their baby through health problems and disabilities….ya know since so many claim to be pro-life.
Get this item and hang out

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