My favorite is the one where the owner is pointing the camera through a window and ducks down below the pane and back up, the cat freezing it’s position as it gets closer with each move! Cat mischief music staff shirt This is like saying whites are superior than blacks. both are equally as good both have something to offer and both are equally as cute. Fuck out of here you animal hater
Cat mischief music staff shirt
Train cats to do what? Push stuff off the counter? Walk on your counters? Scratch the hell out of your furniture? Oh wait. that’s not training.. that’s the cat doing whatever it damn well pleases because it’s a cat. There’s NOTHING superior about a cat other than it can manipulate the owner into believing it loves them.. Dogs do that with no questions asked. my cat was very bright and did show affection.. however, he did what he wanted, when he wanted.. Cat mischief music staff shirt whereas my English Bull Terrier was eager to please and was always pleased to see me.. I think both are intelligent.. my cat was 23 and my dog 13.. but I could teach a stubborn EBT far more than the cat.. I don’t think either are more superior.. just different.
Avocados contains a toxin called persin, but only certain species of animals are poisoned by persin. While dogs and cats are rarely affected by persin, avocado poisoning can be deadly to birds and large animals (such as cows, goats, sheep). that’s how I feel, like some are pretty funny, but there are a few instances where the cat could’ve gotten hurt. The one where the cat was clinging to the wall, you could tell it was stressed out by the noise he was making.
Omg cats climb up on things and fall off especially as kittens but their bodies are mostly cartilage when they’re young to protect their bones as they’re forming because they don’t have very good balance. Sometimes they have to learn the hard way. My kittens and my puppy when they were tiny were obsessed with my cups of tea, I told them no, pushed them away, but they were adamant they wanted to stick their faces in there. The kittens burnt their noses and the puppy burnt his tongue. Sometimes that’s the only way they learn. They don’t go near mugs now
Go shopping and hope you like it

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