I totally agree. Nurses are great. But after spending time in and our of hospitals I’ve noticed that CNA’s do a lot get drinks change bedding helping patients use the bathroom bathing patients etc Stethoscope nurse arizona cardinals shirt I actually don’t agree. It’s the teamwork between the cna and nurse that create a front line. No one person is the front line. It takes a team to create the front.
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I couldnt do what I do without my CNA/ERTECH. But the RN takes all the responsibility. When something goes wrong its the RN that goes to court, its the RN who gets blamed for things that happen to the patients. We are ultimately respinsible for everything that happens to the patient don’t make near what sports figures do. Ball players don’t save your family member from death. The cost of healthcare isn’t from the money that Dr’s make. It’s from all those people that go to the ER for a cold. Abuse of the healthcare system is causing the high costs. Stethoscope nurse arizona cardinals shirt Actually depends on where you work. Bottom line it seems like the direct patient care advocate is the most neglected! Shout out to all of us that work our butts off for the sake of others with little to no recognition or consideration. From the bottom of my heart…thank you!
Have a nice time and go shopping

i was a CNA for 6 years before becoming a nurse. CNAs are overworked, under appreciated, and under paid. But, until you become a nurse, spend years in school, study the dynamics of patient care relative to their condition, durg upon drug interactions and pharmacology, and then realize you are the last line of defense between the patient and their care plan…in other words, unless you are a nurse, you will never know what really happens within our scope of practice. Nurses are like icebergs, there’s a lot more going on below the waves that meets the eye. Although it sounds nice, I don’t believe that CNAs are the front line. Yes we pull a lot of weight and deal with a lot of shit… literally. But we aren’t trained to save a patients life…. this post is about giving nurses the recognition they deserve. Most nurses treat CNAs like peasants but nursing school is hard as hell so until we complete it… they’re the big dogs

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