This is good advice especially the “Don’t give up” paragraph. I agree with all of it and have proven it does work if you let it. I have re-trained God found the strongest women and made them nurses shirt my mind and heart after a terrible accident 2 years ago and it has changed my life and how I look and handle things now. I live my life to the best ability I possibly can.
God found the strongest women and made them nurses shirt
I don’t even where to begin all I know is there is so much hurt in my heart. I’m constantly thinking to called off. Please pray for me as I have lost everything in a very short time Love to have battlefield of the mind I watched your sermon on it and I think it would be a great help to me but right now my hours are down at work so I can’t afford I know you can’t just give it.away so just believe with.Me God will completely heal me.of anxiety amen I suffer from anixity…. I know the feeling of how your body controls you… No matter how hard I try to come out of it doesn’t stop…. God found the strongest women and made them nurses shirt I’ve have learned how breathing in filling you lungs with air and breath out slowly and make a humming noise triggers a nerve that’s near the heart… But really that doesn’t work all the time…. I know medication should be the last resort but having anixity can be very dangerous…. It cases your heart to beat raptaly as much as 140 bpm… Your blood pressure goes up… It’s really a scary health problem…..
Either go to your doctor so he can put you on anixity medication or go to a mental doctor.. you can talk to someone case anixity usually is cause from something in your life that has happened… My phycologist explained to me and it made alot of sense…. Compare your self as a solider…. When there in battle their alert level is on high all the time and that good cause they know they have to protect themselves and being on high alert can cause PTSD… When it’s time to come home their mind can’t come down from being on gard for so long….. So in our normal life wasn’t so normal… Somewhere down the line you must have been on high alert so much drenalin running to protect our self…. So we have a high level and a low level…. Your stuck on high level leaving raptaly heart beats hard breathing heavy chested and so on…. Well I hope I didn’t bore you but I wanted to share my problem with you to let you know what your going through is real and scary…. And I always pray for the Lord to help me through this and heal my body… God bless you … In Jesus Holy name
Get it and hang out with it

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