wait till they have their families too, and watch them running back to you, hope it not going to be too late then, Chillin with my peeps funny easter bunny shirt u are number 1 and u have to look after yourself, life is too short children this days are very self centred. Enjoy life
Chillin with my peeps funny easter bunny shirt
don’t feel bad or on your own. You are describing my experience with 4 children. Did everything to give them a normal life despite what he Did but they think he is ok and justified for everything he died as l should have work harder to improve things. Stay true to yourself and put your self first now. Their loss. with today’s generation. I’m hoping..they don’t forget about their mother an I.we have two wonderful grandchildren from my oldest daughter that we rarely see.. I hope an prey we are not forgotten in our aging years May God hold you in his arms. Chillin with my peeps funny easter bunny shirt I just hope they seek out their dad and ask him why he left. When spouses leave sometime they forget to tell the kids why, which, makes the other spouse look like they are the cause. no more…refuse to go down that road of worry. It will only make you ill physically and emotionally. Just rest assured, as mom you did all could have done. They are grown adults, let them work out their own salvation. Just be at peace with yourself. You are worth it.
Welcome to these awesome designs

my husband is going through this same thing with his adult kids. After years of trying, he gave up. Sadly, I hate to say this but the only time they will come around is when he’s gone and they are looking for money!! That’s the type of people they are. Sad but true. That’s the day I’m dreading because then I have to deal with it. I do hope someday all of these kids see that they need to reach out to their parents before it’s too late. Hang in there sweetie. Big hugs my story is pretty much the same except my daughter is my best friend since she was old enough to understand mom’s should not be treated as I was being treated.
My son wanted his father’s attention from the very beginning and he could never understand why daddy was always to busy for him. Understand by the time by son was in 3rd grade I had forgiven ex 2 times for cheating. I found the proof in my own home of the 3rd with photos of their vacations going back to before our son was even in kindergarten. AND he had cheated on her with 2 others turning that time. I was done. I kicked him out, changed the locks and got an attorney.

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