I’m a person who don’t easily get panic no matter what may happen. But that time I can’t believe that it is happening to me. I said to myself ‘This is it!’. Pokemon eeveelution rainbow 3d hoodie But thanks God my mind is still clear and I made it! happened to me many times before, i knew i have thyroid issues and on meds but it gets worst in years
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i always have a glass of water with me everytime i eat.. until been complaining coz it’s happening very often with other symptoms, was then found out my nodules had doubled in size already and became multi-nodular and fall into Thyroid cancer… thank God you knew to use the chair it’s actually a way they teach the Heimlich too. My dad has a lazy epiglottis Pokemon eeveelution rainbow 3d hoodie (I still giggle at the title) but he tends to choke because of it and has to remain calm because the more upset he gets the tighter it closes
so my mom has to learn to stay calm too. They actually taught them to do an emergency I second u. At least the onlookers around could have called for help immediately if they hadn’t a clue what to do in such situation, knowing that man is in trouble despite the vain effort/ attempt made by his girlfriend he should have used the universal sign for choking instead of walking around. He had to be getting some air or he would have passed out after that length of time. The girlfriend tapping on his back was useless. I’ve seen this method shown before. I’d probably still freak out if I was by myself and try to run to a neighbors
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