Dr. Phil for showing the “other side of the story.” 12-year-old young ladies in today’s world are much more mature than they were 50 years ago but have much less common sense. Dr phil subscribe to pewdiepie shirt Young ladies need to bear some responsibility for their actions and parents…monitor your daughters!!!
Dr phil subscribe to pewdiepie shirt
For in lighten me!! I do have a 9 yr old daughter! She gets on my cell ph! She does have the knowledge!! But your right she don’t have the wisdom!! Like I do and I am her mother! Thanks!! For the info!! To all who think keeping then off the Internet is the answer you need to Re check yourselves before bad things happen to your own children. Library, fast food, school, friends houses, WiFi hot spots, all these places allow Internet use. Dr phil subscribe to pewdiepie shirt Children are in an age of rampant Internet usage. They need to be taught and monitored not excluded
Sounds like you need to recheck your selves a responsible adult actually has the power to monitor there kids no matter what excuses they got. If you don’t have this power I hope like hell you don’t have a kid.What part of monitoring and taught didn’t you comprehend ? Your theory was to keep them off the Internet. Get back to me In 10 years and see how that works for you When your child is 15 at a friends house, guess what? They will have Internet. Hanging out with friends? Internet on their phones. It’s your job as a parent to help your child know right from wrong. And never assume they know, that’s the monitoring party fyi
Hang out and enjoy this item

I know how hard it was to raise kids 20 yrs ago. I just cannot imagine doing it today with the sick people that are out there and so capable of reaching any child over the internet. This is why I dont encourage the ‘knock on the door before you get in and locking the door’. I have access to my daughter’s room anytime I want. Children can have their privacy when they become adults. They will learn to respect space automatically. Then the parent can knock on the door.
She is in a very loving home and is given everyting she asks for and is a happy child. She is 18 yrs old now and is well behaved and is in the dean’ list in the university she is in. Proud of her. Im shocked! my daugther is 10, im glad she si off cellphones and facebook, im glad i am monitoring everything they do in the computer and the ask for promision to do their every move even if people think im old fashion and to pretective. its not easy to figer out because this people are conected in games speacking sofly lke a real child, this is a very importante discussion i have a boy whith eleven years old that have many friens in all over the internet and im always asking do you now that person in reality? oh mom that doesnt mater.. in case it maters a lot, i can give a short exemple he plays playstation 4 online and its not the first time that i hear when he is playing whith somebody telling things about his schooll his preferences is intimicy

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