Sitting in a classroom trying to listen to a teacher go on and on about a subject, it’s hard for people who can’t focus like that. I really think education Fireball Whiskey hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to drink with you again shirt should be more hands-on than sitting there reading a textbook and listening to a teacher lecture. Like I said I learned more in the real world that I ever did in the classroom.
Fireball Whiskey hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to drink with you again shirt
Wouldn’t it be amazing and wonderful if teachers really could look at each child as an individual worth listening to and helping! Studies have shown that teachers teach to their own expectations of the child. If they are told the child is very intelligent they assume that is so and teach to that intelligence. Fireball Whiskey hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to drink with you again shirt The child does very well. When they look at last year’s years teacher comments and decide the child is not going to learn or will cause trouble that is what they expect and that is what they get. I wish they had this type of awareness when I was in school. I thought I was just dumb but turned out I’m not. And being in the real world and working, I end up doing things better than most because once I do it and learn it I can’t not do my best.
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This sounds good in theory, but would probably be impossible to execute in a room with 30 plus students. I work for a private school. We have individual “offices” and the students are free to sit and learn in ways that benefit them. They are not allowed to be disruptive to others. We have 2, 15 minute breaks and a 20 minute recess time each day. This has proven to be very effective. They have Phys. Ed once a week and we do extras as often as we can.

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