Here is Willie singing his beautiful music this early morning! Much to my surprise I heard this awesome love song 3 months ago at which time my husband Have a willie nice day willie nelson shirt had been gone 11 months it’s now 14..Willies music says it all! Thank you Willie for your many wonderful songs! Love them all!!
Have a willie nice day willie nelson shirt
I dont think it matters what genre of music that you listen to, but I believe in some way, Willie Nelson has touched everybody in some way. I really love this new song, and I ask for prayers for this great man. I’ve heard that his health is not so good. Prayers going out for you Willie. That is beautiful and truly touched my heart, Willie. Thank You for all the songs you’ve created that have helped me throughout my life. Have a willie nice day willie nelson shirt My folks introduced me to your music when I was just a kid. They are both gone now but, your music brings them back to me in memories as I listen to your songs. It so true about one foot in front of the other. I also lost my 19 years old son to a tragic accident. You don’t get over it. People have asked me. How do you do it. I just tell them. You have no choice. One day at a time. It’s been 17 years 2 months and 17 days. My heart is for ever broken.
Lost my daughter at 5 years of age in 1997. She was hit in the chest by a piece of falling glass from a door – a freak accident – no one or where to place blame – and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her… like you said, it’s not something you get over, it’s something you get through. Thank you for this outlet of words to help explain how I have survived all of these years without her. Praying for your comfort and peace of mind to accept His will. Loosing a child is hard. Lost mine to a tragic accident also. You take a deep breath and one foot in front of the other and just get trough another day. His song touched my heart & soul. Peace to you! Oh going thru these comments, my heart is broken for you and yes as Mothers we keep going on and thru and never get over. This is a good one from him and to know that there will be others that her spirit as a angel will move into and yes never over but something we have to do and my prayers are with you
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