We are not given 86,400 seconds each day. We have the opportunity for that, but there is no guarantee of that time. I survived the winter of 2018 19 shirt Life can end at any second. Remember the past, plan for the future, enjoy the present.
I survived the winter of 2018 19 shirt
Just what I needed to hear. I feel that I was willed by God to find and listen to your information about how to deal with what is most important in life. Thank you very much, you are a blessed person. Wow, that was amazing! Very young in my life, a very sweet, wise old lady from church seen me struggling with my 1 year old son and I was 9 mo. pregnant with my second. She said, stop everything your doing, I survived the winter of 2018 19 shirt the perfect house, the perfect garden, the perfection and focus all that on these little ones. She said they will grow and be gone in a blink of an eye. I prayed and took her advise and NEVER regretted a single moment. I raised four of my children and thirty eight others through the years…with NO REGRETS!! Thank God for that single wise old lady!!!
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I’m having a really hard time waking up early. I’ve been lazy in this area my entire life. But I’m going to work on waking up 15 minutes earlier little by little. I have a 8 month old baby she’s still not sleeping all night so hopefully I can do this! Fingers crossed Now this is a wake up call!! Another personal perspective from Jay Shetty that wakes up every cell in my being! We know this already… we just get complacent and stuck! Many of your messages I already about myself, however I seemed to somehow hidden that message within myself again until it peeks once more and well then I find myself back to square one. But let me tell you, you are awesome because I need that push and those words to keep me in check. And you do just that.
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