About those young fans: You have at least one young fan who’s 63. Because you’re smart (as this interview shows), you’re music’s smart, and you’re that good. After listening to music for 50+ years, Official billie eilish shirt I should know, right? I was thinking that too. And her voice is a little deeper and more serious than typical teenagers. She just gives this overall impression of maturity and intelligence. Probably why she’s making it.
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She is, I love the way she thinks! You should watch the genius YouTube videos where shes explaining ‘copycat’ and ‘Idon’twanttobeyouanymore’. In that order tho She’s been my favorite artist basically all year. I’m obsessed with her. It’s alittle wierd cause I’m the same age as her but it’s also so cool that she can be so real and raw. Keep doing you billie this young woman has her entire life in front of her, Official billie eilish shirt and I appreciate the way she steps back into other people’s perspectives and appreciates their emotions. I’m sure you’ve seen this but if you haven’t I think it’s a really good interview. Did not know bellyache was about being a serial killer and did not know ocean eyes is actually about her
societies problem is they put too much emphasis and pride into nothing more than styles and fashion and genres of art. what’s the point of creating art if its only for one group of people. maybe more people are coming out with their sexual harassment and abuse stories now because they actually feel it’s safe to do so and that they have a community who will believe them and support them. What a concept! Its really disgusting that you can make jokes about abusive relationships just because of someone’s age. We have no idea what she went through. I’ve just gotten out of an extremely abusive relationship, and no I’m not her age but I can’t imagine joking and minimizing someone else’s experience with abuse
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