And please don’t get me started on how bad the butchered to Dorne storyline in the TV series! Honestly was so frustrated by that for the longest time! Not today arya stark GOT shirt Cersie is definitely her father’s daughter, she understands the game way better than anyone. No doubt she has thought through all their possible attack routes and has planted a nasty surprise! I just hope we get to see cleganebowl next episode!!
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I’ve been watching a show where their army keeps getting killed over and over and magically new people keep showing up. They just now mentioned Dorn. I don’t remember them even trying to get them against the Night King. Plus I watched a bunch of rich slave holder Harpes dudes in masks mop up the unsullied before. I also notice Cersei can actually plan battles and actually funds research and develop. Took out her dragon no problem Not today arya stark GOT shirt and took huge losses to her Navy and Cersei only lost some arrows. Until they wanted to create false drama after they were like 3/4 on sure shorting the first dragon then were like 0/63 when the other is coming at them straight on. She probably has a buried moat if wildfire underneath them as we speak. If you watched episode three you would realize Daenerys as pathetic battle strategy.
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it’s called the element of surprise. That’s why they were able to kill Rhaegal. No one was expecting Euron to be sitting there waiting to ambush them like that. Before the fight with the Night King, they had PLENTY of people to march right thru Kings Landing, it’s the main reason why cersei “agreed” to help them with the Night King. Meanwhile the whole time she was setting up a deal with the golden fleet and felt like with that backing plus what she already had prior, they’d be able to pick off the rest IF they even survived the Night Kings army. The only “new” people to help Danny, is the new king in Dorne. Yara greyjoy let Theon go help north while she recaptured the iron islands in the name of Daenerys Targaryen.
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