Shame on her and on you and everyone judging the audio booth guy without understanding shit. NFL los angeles chargers hawaiian shirt He will be fine tho ppl like him always rise up, ppl who are truthful and dont fear the consequences Or being treated as less?
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Not for you. She is legally deaf. I also taught her she doesn’t have a disability but everyone else does. I have always been the first one to jump in to help the deaf or hearing impaired. NFL los angeles chargers hawaiian shirt Most people don’t get it and are afraid. I’m always Like WTF. Why do people lose all common sense when they meet a person who can’t hear. Hell most the time I can’t form a real sentence… lol. my nieces are deaf and they both have kids who are deaf. They have friends who are deaf and both of their girls came out hearing. The world needs to change! I’ve been trying to get ASL in my daughters school, they don’t need French!! what the hell are you talking about?
your friend uses cards and she uses her mouth to speak people that are deaf can also speak you know? You are not making any sense Buddy your comment is gold, i agree the guy should be fired but.. I believe if i was deaf i would do the same has your friend People who ask how you adapt.. you just get into the restaurant to command and dont make everyone in the waiting line wait more than it supose to she wasnt polite nor patient, she was aggresive, insulting and assuming he is discriminatory, and she skipped the audio booth without explaining him properly. Im proud of that guy, he lost his job but he is an OG. He treated her with true equality wich is something entitled ppl dont understand.