Because both were already at escalated tones!!! Meshuggah rock band hawaiian shirt If she can’t hear at the damn box, don’t pull up to it!!! If there is a line, wait until there’s enough room , then pull passed it!!!!
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No one cared, and in this case, it has been said he WAS the manager that day.. English being his second language is BS, he understood enough to belittle and insult her, even mimicking sign language!! Meshuggah rock band hawaiian shirt I think you need to see video again!! The box was the whole problem, she can’t hear it!!! She asked him instead, because she lip reads. She was not rude to him, she kept asking for food, a #8 order, her voice got loud and emotional, because she felt so humiliated, to be treated like seriously said, it was her ” agenda”??!! She knew he would treat her like rubbish, and she put herself in that situation??!! You are kidding, surely??!
I know for a fact, that some deaf people speak loudly, and are not trying to offend, unlike this idiot in the shop who is not deaf, but enjoyed causing her distress!! get out of your feelings!!! I said what I said!! I don’t need to watch anything again!!! She matched his tone!!! Scroll up re read, I never said he was right, IDGAF that he got fired. She was loud and bitchy! I know deaf people and sign language. Not once did I condone his behavior, I said I thought they were both wrong! I also know a lot of places don’t allow you to make an order at the window, but for her first reaction to be lawsuit instead of manager, I call BS!!!! No I am not kidding!!! And I would need to see how she spoke to him before this recording started.