I know it’s because she is afraid of not being able to hear them. Los angeles chargers team hawaiian shirt I have always told her I will personally put in the light and extra loud sound alarms. Just write it down, text it, just like you said.
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For who? For you! We adapt to make hearing people comfortable, yet you still call us disabled. How are we disabled for working twice as hard to make conversation smoother for you? Los angeles chargers team hawaiian shirt Not us! For you! If we wanted conversation to be easier for us, you’d sign. For us! I’m sorry your Deaf friend has accepted defeat in the cruelty of hearing people’s behavior to the Deaf. And I’m sorry you think that we Deaf people need to adapt for the sake of hearing people. so what would happen if your ‘friend’ gave a card to a blind person? Or someone who can’t read? Would they then too have to ‘adapt’? Absolute absurd idea… considering you’ve responded to one comment on your thread
I take it another troll who wants to make a pointless point for attention! My friend is deaf. She normally pulls up and talks into the speaker and notifies the staff she is deaf and will pull up to do her order. But no matter how a deaf person chooses to place their order, there should be respect. The employee in my opinion was disgusting. this is the most stupid thing I have ever read on this thread. So what does your friend do to get food? Especially in covid 19 times? I am Deaf and have adapted as best as I can to this predominantly hearing world, but still need help sometimes. This comment would be embarrassing for your poor friend…. I think you explained this perfectly. My daughter keeps saying she doesn’t want kids.