when they come on and start talking about other things rather than just say National football league los angeles chargers hawaiian shirt May I take your order. It throws me off because I have already figured out the best way to tell my order and then
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my only reply to ur disgraceful comment is shame on u for the judgement u just made about me… her temperament is a natural reaction to his incompetent rudeness… National football league los angeles chargers hawaiian shirt I truly hope that u never get to experience such… i don’t know what it’s like in ur country nor do I wish to know, but I’m so proud to say I have never experienced such treatment in Australia. adaption? It’s a fine line. No one should be treated badly because of their disability. If you condone this then you are part of the problem in this world. and if the lobby is closed? What then? Just accept that someone treated you that way and move on like it didn’t happen? No But adaption is not the issue.
She says the she want a number 8. That should be easy to pick up. And what part of “I’m deaf!”, does he not understand? It seems that its not about her failing to adapt, but a manager refusing to take an order, for whatever reason. I am deaf and I have a very smart daughter. There are so many things I missed growing up. Movies and tv shows didn’t have closed caption. I do lip reading. I was very lucky that my daughter was a big listener. She has so much knowledge about so many things. She can carry on a conversation about anything. When closed caption came out I was addicted to it because it was the best learning experience for everything. I too have had problems at the drive thru speakers and hate