Because hearing people can’t take the time to learn Los angeles chargers hawaiian shirt a few simple signs to help make our lives easier. To adapt to hearing people is defeat because hearing people don’t do anything to truly support us.
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you nailed it! Exactly how I saw this as well. He could have just apologized for the misunderstanding and been done with it. in what way can she adapt when she cant hear the speaker? Los angeles chargers hawaiian shirt Her adapting IS rolling up to window to place her order. If that employee had taken a moment to get past his own annoyance at being “ignored” he wouldn’t have been fired…. I guess he should have adapted to the situation? as my friend explained, he got pre-printed cards explained his situation so he can give them out to people so they can read if and understand the situation, plus he carried paper and pencil around with him so you can write out an order when he got to window…
He adapted to the world…. yes we the deaf adapt to the world to make our lives easier for communication buttttt in this situation she had already tried adapting to “ur world” Ur response insinuates that in this world u adapt to it & put up with the outcome… that’s like saying “it’s ok to put a kid being bullied at school into the class room with the bully but I’ll I’ll give them boxing gloves to adapt” rather than handling problem of the bully. I truly doubt ur deaf friend has told u this as I’m pretty sure every deaf person knows that one cannot communicate without the other person listening with their eyes. Do you not realize that Deaf people adapt enough just to make hearing people comfortable? We lipread, we get hearing devices, we feature, we write.