All they can do is go ro the window and explain they are deaf, and order their food. National football league oakland raiders hawaiian shirt This woman was, adapting, and got treated like shit. So, what is your suggestion? I’ll wait….
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Are you saying she needs to adapt more? It’s HIS fault for not swallowing his pride, admitting he was wrong, and allowing her to order at the window. National football league oakland raiders hawaiian shirt She said clearly what she wanted, he could have just took the order and allow her to leave. He was mad he was wrong! you can’t hand a piece of paper or card over to a machine! She clearly explained to the guy at the window: that was adaption enough. Adapting does not mean people should accept discrimination. The world adapts to disabilities, we put ramps on our buildings for wheel chair and walker access, signs for deaf and braille for the blind. This man completely disrespected this woman over her disability and then mocked her.
You say this as if we do not already adapt ourselves. We adapt by driving up to the window to give our order on our cell phone or note. We adapt by communicating with paper and pen or our cell phone. We adapt by changing our alarm system to alert us with light instead of sound. We adapt by sending e-mails or texts or using video phone relay instead of calling. So…? Are you saying she isn’t adapting herself by notifying the cashier that she’s deaf and would like to order? She’s even going out her way to talk and not every Deaf person can talk. What is she supposed to do? Driveaway and be discriminated just because he’s not willing to adapt? and how do you suggest a deaf person order food in a drive through, when they cannot hear?