My life wen ever somebody tried to bully me I always hit them so hard they never think of that & My hero wears scrubs i call her mommy nurse shirt if that Charles would been here that L would been in his butt Everymen have a dream.But sometimes they don,t reach to their dream.Because they think they have no opportunity to achieve the goal.But one thing should remember all the people is if you have no opportunity please collect the opportunity to achieve the goal.
My hero wears scrubs i call her mommy nurse shirt
Starting poor it is not the end. In fact , being poor our eyes see the hidden treasure that others can’t see, cause we need to survive. I love to cook. I always tell people , if I can cook I will not go hungry so does my family. I have learn to shop wisely. I don’t need materials to put a smile on my face , cause the nature gives me that. I don’t need vitamins pills to say I am healthy cause I exercise and keep my body and mind healthy. My hero wears scrubs i call her mommy nurse shirt ts only our thoughts and actions that makes us to bring our lives more stronger and happier no matter we are rich or poor all the things are possible if our mind is focused on our goals.Even a person who is humble can be brought up to a high position. And a person who is proud can be brought down not by anyone but by God. In this life let’s smile and win the game.
For your sweet mommy

Everyone who listened to this, keep going, save the video, come back to it, listen to it again, and if you ever doubt yourself listen harder. He has been at the lowest part of his life, sleeping in work and bathing in work, and hes got the courage to pull himself back up. Anyone can do it, you just need to give yourself that push of positivity, no matter how much negativity you have think of a positive and focus on that one thing and keep reaching for that positive part, then all the positives will slowly come back stronger and backed up by more. For anyone who is struggling, you can achieve your dreams, you just have to have faith in it!

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