The drive thru we have been given the right to use windows instead of using speakers Manchester city hawaiian shirt At least we’re outside in the car where as we can hear one person and not the background unless people honking the cars.
Manchester city hawaiian shirt
Why should they have to go in when it’s an easy solution already in place? Makes no sense. d , my hearing is decent and it is usually the speakers need to be fixed or replaced. Manchester city hawaiian shirt I like what some Starbucks have done with an interactive screen but some locations the screen has burned out. That drive through guy was just an ass and needed to be fired. Where’s he now? not if you have small kids or babies in a car seat asleep finally and you’re finally having breakfast at 3pm. I need to use the drive through. Plus there’s that incident in the eighties about some guy who went into a McDonald’s and mass murdered people there including pregnant women and babies.
Even before I became a parent I would rather use the drive through for safety reasons. I’ll answer your question. We have been given the right to speak at the windows. We can pick the foods up and go elsewhere just like every others drive-Thru customers. This isn’t about challenging. This is about making our life much easier than having to deals with other disrespectful or unpleasant sound effect that is affecting our hearing aids inside the premises. Such as children or people draping the chairs on the floor etc etc. Sometimes using the speakers or telephones make our hearing aids crackles. Sometime staffs speak too low as we cannot hear them as we trying our best to hear them as much as we can. We also tried lips reading but they keep turning their head around.