Let us all pray for everyone involved. The truth will come out. An event that truly happened to you, do you need a script to give account of it? I promise not to spoil my grandkids shirt Well I think I true account of event shouldn’t be scripted unless the person suffers from amnesia.
I promise not to spoil my grandkids shirt
don’t you have some cheetahs to go chase or something like that better yet why don’t you feed all those sick ass hungry ass kids over there dying slowly from all the filthy ass water they’re forced to drink you’re worried about some bullshit and dry ass talking shit but wtf are you doing to help YOUR people?? why is this motherfucker talking about stuff in the USA like he knows I promise not to spoil my grandkids shirt what goes on here? Dude you live in Nigeria stfu. Until you’ve lived in this country you don’t get talk to about it like you know what goes on because you just don’t know.
You don’t hear any of us talking about shit in Nigeria. Are you really trying to talk shit about how we have it better so no matter what struggle we go through we should just shut our mouths because it’s not as bad as Nigeria. Sometimes when something has happened that’s broken you & humiliated so much. In order to get your message out there you need to write it down. So you can get your message across. I never heard her saying umm, you know what I mean, etc..Simply a mother trying to get her message out there. I don’t know the whole story. But what happened to Empathy & Sympathy?
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