Just like any other relationship when we will tolerate anything, are in a position of desperation people end up not respecting or appreciating us. Sorry I must go home my grandkids are waiting shirt If they realize we will not tolerate abuse and leave they may treat us with more respect but the reality is most of us operate from this place and they know that.
Sorry I must go home my grandkids are waiting shirt
It’s like letting them know what your kryptonite is. I recall opening up to a boss in my past and that was used against me.. I was vulnerable with him and he used that as an opportunity to be inappropriate with me. I did communicate to him multiple times his behavior was inappropriate. It taught me looking back about discernment… learning who to be voluntarily vulnerable with, you refrain from being vulnerable with Sorry I must go home my grandkids are waiting shirt everyone as many do not have your best interests at heart. Never cast your pearls to swine as I’ve heard. We must be discerning with who we share our most sacred things with, opening up to a boss could be dangerous unless you have a backup plan. Most of us are living from a desperate place, from a place of survival, and most managers and bosses know this, it gives them the feeling of power.
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I hear you completely… how does one feel good about themselves when they work in those kinds of environments that feel so cold and unfeeling. Some of us spend so much time at work and those experiences do have an influence over us. Would we enjoy spending time with people who neglect to show us basic respect, or show some level of care. Many of us feel so alone, like no one cares, and in no way I am suggesting our coworkers and bosses are there to be our therapists or best friends however to demonstrate humaneness is essential. But I also see the other side as you do not want to divulge too much at work. It is a very interesting topic to speak on
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