why don’t you go read your bible Ingrid, be sure to quote the passage Daisy blessed to be called mimi shirt where Jesus condemns abortion. Oh right! The bible never mentioned it!!!! science has proven this life begins at conception and yes it’s up to the men to wear protection
Daisy blessed to be called mimi shirt
but it’s also up to the women to take birth control if he does wear a condom. I believe women get pregnant when a man puts his sperm inside the women’s eggs. I’m not slut shaming I’m saying how about women make better choices. And you can’t accidentally get pregnant, you pregnant or you don’t and it’s called a condom or birth control. Daisy blessed to be called mimi shirt And since 90-91% of abortions are because she made a bad choice she should have kept Ed her legs shut if she didn’t want to get pregnant or birth control or condom. It’s not a warped view it’s speaking truth.
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But you have a warped view if you still think a baby’s body is apart of a women’s when you should have learned the opposite in 9th grade biology. Here’s a fun fact world wide oats tear abortion was the leading cause if death it killed over 2 times the amount the holocaust did think about that and maybe stop saying it’s a clump of cells we should just kill it, are cells not living?
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