it is my opiniin that whether verbally expressed or not, grades are status within the educational environment. That’s not to say I agree that everyone should receive a gold star. Some grandmas play bingo real grandmas watch soccer shirt I think the message here is that there should be some importance placed on identifying a person’s strength and then directing them how best to develop their strengths and achieve greatness.
Some grandmas play bingo real grandmas watch soccer shirt
My daughters maths teacher told her when she asked for help with something that she should already know how to do it and that he wasn’t going to help her, then had a go at her when she hadn’t done the work, so yeah teachers are great. I’m happy you don’t do this to your students but my son had several teachers who did this to him when he was in second grade and beyond. I was at the school almost every day because my son was treated as if he was dumb. Some grandmas play bingo real grandmas watch soccer shirt Truth is that he’s very gifted. He’s number two in his unit in the Army and in leadership. He also has an amazing job so to those who said he couldn’t do anything, I always said for him to prove them wrong. There are good and bad in every profession but a teacher make a huge impact on children’s lives. By the way, he had some amazing teachers too and I am thankful for them.
Have a nice time and go shopping

I am a parent that when my son was in grade 3, his teacher and another educator had a meeting with me to tell me that.. in her words..”school isn’t for everyone”. I have had 6 children, all of them successful, and 5 of them went through the public school system and on to university and college Now I have been homeschooling my youngest son for three years. He is hoping to return to high school next fall. Unfortunately there are educators like this… when my son was in 4th grade
she called him “stupid” in front of the whole class, and when we met with her, her words were almost the exact same as this video “my son was not bright”. It took everything I had not to punch her. We took our son somewhere else and found out he not only was he bright – he was doing work at a 9th grade level!! (They just taught him a different way to learn) And now at 16, he’s a full time college student. I appreciate the teachers that want to help.. but this is a great message for those kids that fall through the cracks and get the brush off as ‘not being bright’.

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