white people are way way less than every else colors so way its our fault man? Lion grandpa I am there waiting watching keeping to the shadows shirt You have more “own people so hange it and stop complaining. So what ur saying is that it’s white peoples fault about healthcare, prisons, and the homeless
Lion grandpa I am there waiting watching keeping to the shadows shirt
What’s interesting about the whole black lives matter/all lives matter argument is the only time this is said is when it is police against civilians or white on minority. How come there isn’t an uproar about white on white or black on black crime? That is where we should be looking to solve the problem at the start when people of all races commit crimes Lion grandpa I am there waiting watching keeping to the shadows shirt because they have little or no regard for laws. Just because all lives matter doesn’t mean things should just be handed to those who are too lazy to work for them.
Get a job and become a contributing member of society if you want the same rights. Sometimes our ideals must be better than our actions so that good men can struggle with their consciences until change is actually made. Just like all men are created equal and free in the Declaration of Independence. Yes you are basically saying its just white people fault that there is homeless people etc. So you are basically racist now. If you really think about this world
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