it is the law I know people personally that have come here the legal way I looked information up about it so why do you state I have no idea He’s not just my grandson he’s also my favorite football player shirt because I do you sir have no idea they are flooding in by the thousands it is very dangerous that is why we have laws to protect you white supremacists inferior fucks lie like shit.
He’s not just my grandson he’s also my favorite football player shirt
hypocrites!! oh & please stop cherry-picking our constitution like you cherry pick your bible. go read the rights asylum seekers have in this country since our ancestors flooded these borders. it’s pure, ignorance, bigotry & hate. i’mma treat all of you wicked inhumane ‘ people ‘ the same fucking way you treat minorities. it’s a real privilege to be able to deny things, He’s not just my grandson he’s also my favorite football player shirt because they don’t affect, but never forget what your ancestors did to get here too.
now let me address you white supremacists lie. your problem isn’t illegal immigrants & that beyond clear. you white supremacists for some reason think it’s your country now ( entitlement? ) so in reality that’s all you want here. when you wear your white supremacists hat your denial doesn’t change the fact that people who aren’t racist know exactly what that means. i mean we knew what it meant when hitler used the same. i’ve never seen asylum seekers basically kidnapped by being brought into our country just to lock them up.
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