I have friends both male and female. If that’s gonna be a problem for whoever I’m with then we best cut things iff before we get too far. I will NOT be in a relationship Nanatude what is nanatude you ask mess with my grandchildren and you will find out shirt where I can’t be around or sleak to people I’ve known my whole life because someone I’m with doesn’t like it or trust me fully. And I will NOT be in a relationship with conditions like that
Nanatude what is nanatude you ask mess with my grandchildren and you will find out shirt
About this video. We can argue a lot. My understanding on this Video is that women has more power in mending or destroying the relationship. I believe that everyone has to play his/her role in the relationship to minimize or avoid someone to pay attention to something else during your quality time. That’s where respect kicks in. The guys attention was on the other women (colleague) and the lady felt threatened. She must ask for permission to go through his phone not snick in. I personally don’t go through my life partners phone. I’ll ask her nicely for her attention. Nanatude what is nanatude you ask mess with my grandchildren and you will find out shirt It’s really about discipline, no one else can give you loyalty for your own disciplines, dignity, respect, boundaries; honesty; integrity; trust We all have to have these in ourselves to offer another believe when your practicing these traits you won’t find your self in a loving sexual relationship with someone who doesn’t reciprocate. It’s like night and day. This is a play, but in real life the problem is the person sneaking a peak at the phone isn’t exercising their faith their trust their respect or their words.
Have a good day and take it

Abundant intensely loving relationships is wellbeing nurturing and rejuvenating maturity, having a single loving sexual relationship is sacred. The wholesome interaction with others has boundaries called integrity dignity respect if you don’t have them your more likely promiscuous and bring on yourself the behaviors you expect from your partner. The intuitive empowerment is reaped from the exercising of these principles it is how we navigate the planet and those not yet there, love a tolerance doesn’t mean don’t verify or have boundaries, our intuitive voice yields us from our own disturbance we’d blame on ppl, places and things.
I lived this in my second marriage… caught him trying to cheat more than once and it was always shame on ME for snooping. Just answer the damn question instead of questioning why I’m doing what I’m doing. If you don’t make your partner FEEL insecure then they won’t be investigating. I’m now married to an amazing man that I’ve seen texting all kinds of random people and I never wonder if he’s cheating or looking outside of our marriage because HE makes ME feel secure.

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