Stop bein annoying or don’t slave. Other slaves be taken over. go shove your face in a pile of shit, and if it makes you happy then Elephant speak for those who have no voice shirt it’s not degrading, hard to argue with mental people, the same type of people who would shout words like male privilege, retard
Elephant speak for those who have no voice shirt
It’s a very common thing to want in some circles. If for instance you had a very high profile job being the boss and having to hold this persona all the time, it’d be a godsend to find someone who can help let you go of those feelings for a while and just be nobody. It has nothing to do with self respect unless it were forced. Submissives are the strongest people in the world. Elephant speak for those who have no voice shirt It takes a good pair off balls to let go your control and trust somebody to guide you through life. Ooh and i think im pretty normal to! obviously some people are just stupid hon, just ignore them. They are in fact judging you whether you are judging or not.
Take your time and go shopping now

They aren’t worth it, just let them continue to show their ignorance Pretty sure when you coment on something either out loud with your voice, or type it & let it be seen by others it makes that comment open to discussion/criticism. If you didn’t want to talk about your opinion / judgement you should of kept it to yourself see. It’s “normal” to be a slave. You’re just hanging w the wrong crowd if they don’t accept you for you and or if you don’t. So quit bein a drama queen, accept yourself before others will. Slave’s gotta slave.
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