A teachers Job is to refine our knowledge. It should be the students own responsibility to assess their abilities, Sloth to day I will be a lady blob shirt and direct their potential. It is not hard to learn our capabilities, those are natural.
Sloth to day I will be a lady blob shirt
not all teachers are sleeping with their students.. not all parents are neglecting and abusing their kids..yet it happens. If this isn’t you, or your style, much respect. However, to take offense to this and not to what is probably happening WHERE YOU TEACH AS WELL, is part of the problem. It IS happening, if not with words, then with demeanor, attitude, and actions. Pay attention in the lounge, and on the playground, or meetings.. they show themselves. Sloth to day I will be a lady blob shirt There is a reason for everything and every behavior. If it’s rearing it’s head in class, it’s because that’s where they spend most of their day and waking hours. Get the counselors and find the root.
This man is amazing, simply amazing! I could listen to him talk and talk and talk; he has that sort of voice…..Thank You Jay Shetty for bringing us back to reality. Every post I see if yours, I try to save. You are awesome, truly blessed with wisdom far beyond your years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keeping on keeping on and I will be a follower from S.C. May God Bless You and Your Family, Today, Tomorrow and Forever! I dont care that you dont like reading..there are things in life that we wont like and that’s fine! We all have that..I hate math..I cried many a tear for many a year over none of it making sense to me. It t just didnt click for me..my mind didnt work like that and still doesnt. I’m okay at math now
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