Grew up watching her films with my mum and dad, have many of her 78’s and 45’s. Doris day be kind to animals or I’ll kill you shirt Funny but we almost felt like we knew her personally, like we do you Paul. She did such wonderful things for the animals. May she rest in peace now with her son.
Doris day be kind to animals or I’ll kill you shirt
One of the first film I ever saw was called Lucky Me with Doris Day,Bob Cummings and Phil Silvers who became Sgt Ernie Bilko . I feel in love with Doris Day immediately.The next day I bought the single from the film called The Bluebells of Broadway. I played the single to death. From that moment I became interested in Doris Day’s career until I discovered Elvis Presley but lost interest in him after he left the army Doris day be kind to animals or I’ll kill you shirt Being a Tom boy as a kid, calamity Jane was a movie I really enjoyed, she made me laugh and i admired her stubborn stand on wanting to be treated equal, as I’m sure she did in real life to, thanks Doris So sad to hear this. Our generation had the pleasure of watching this very talentedl lady as we grew.
Always loved her films… like those you mentioned Paul. She had it all, she was beautiful, was an amazing actress, whether serious or funny and had a wonderful singing voice. Truly inspirational. Thank you for the joy you brought to the world RIP Doris When we were kids, my cousins used to spend the night with my sister and me. Us 4 girls would watch her movies and sing her songs, especially Pillow Talk into the wee hours. Our moms would sometimes join in too. We plan on getting together this weekend to do the exact same thing, our own little memorial to a lady who gave us hours and hours of childhood innocence. so sad today.
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