None of those comments I made are knee jerk reactions as I have thought about this kind of thing a lot Cardinal birds I am always with you shirt and have seen idiots like you taking it personally instead of doing your bit to deal with the bullshit our gender does to women. Were are not the victims and only those who claim we are so are the ones that are the problem, not women.
Cardinal birds I am always with you shirt
That itself is a generalisation because I have copped both flack and also support and education. You get all kinds with Feminism I’ve learned and if the guys are truly nice they’ll not take a persons personal opinion of them online as a personal attack because it’s not about our fragile egos but about dealing with the bullshit my gender does to yours. I don’t see it as an insult as a male but simple fact. I don’t take offence because I don’t feel upset or threatened with Cardinal birds I am always with you shirt what I see myself. You think feminists, particularly men who call themselves feminists, don’t have knee-jerk reactions? You think calling someone “butt hurt” isn’t a knee-jerk reaction? Or that being offended is somehow NOT the proper reaction to being blamed for a crime you had no role in? You think your statement that it’s ego and arrogance that causes men to rage against this false blame isn’t a knee-jerk reaction?
Have a nice day and go shopping now

No one said women need to show compassion or pander to anyone, but how on earth can you justify this notion that we should cater to someone who would blame us for doing so? Especially when we’re going to be blamed for everything that’s wrong with the world anyway? People who honestly want compassion show compassion. Blaming men on the whole for men who act improperly is not showing compassion. Victims of the bullshit? I think you’re confused as to who the victim is. When you are accused of criminal activities without even the voice to defend yourself, you’re the victim. Pretty simple. I don’t see anywhere that has it saying Lawrence Day is the problem.

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