It should not have taken 10 time for the dispatcher to realize something may be wrong. My granddaughter used to call 911 by accident and they called right back after the first time. Love owls eastern screech barred barn snowy oriental scops eagle shirt Really always come out, those who miss led about the dog, whatever they believe it’s duty for them known truth about the pets animals and the dog and horses more obedience then whom are trusted!
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You would have to wash it after every use because once you return the wand to the container, you’ve introduced bacteria that will grow. You can use it past 3 months but you’re at risk of an eye infection. Used my last mascara for four months and ended up with an eye infection. The three month rule is very important to follow. It’s not worth an eye infection over a few bucks. It’s best to replace the whole thing after three months Tiny Wells. The wand gradually grows bacteria Love owls eastern screech barred barn snowy oriental scops eagle shirt over time and as you stick it back in the tube, bacteria builds up in the tube as well. The older it is the more bacteria grows and the risk of an infection increases. I’m awful and never follow the three month rule but I rarely wear make up to begin with. *shrugs* So I have been lucky, but people catch eye infections all the time from old or borrowed make up.
Yea I do think it depends on how often you use it. I wear makeup a few times a week, but I only wear my mascara for special occasions, usually once or twice a month. I tend to throw out mine every 6 months. I haven’t had an eye infection, but like I said I rarely use my mascara Hey there!! I volunteer with this organization! Thanks for your concern with wanting to help wildlife! We ask that people clean them with soap and water to get the residual mascara off. We take extreme precautions to sanitize and disinfect any brush, or other item, before using them on our patients. Wonder how many of those mascara brands were tested on animals, like the ones being “adorably brushed” in this video… people don’t think enough about what is going on here so if youre going to donate these wands to save animals, think about the new one youre going to buy. Kill an animal, save an animal?
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