Very dangerous game you’re playing with yourself- comparing your day to day life with a 2 minute snippet. Don’t judge what you don’t understand autism awareness shirt Trust me, every single one of the parents in the clip, I guarantee have days where they feel like they can’t do it and want to scream and cry
Don’t judge what you don’t understand autism awareness shirt
he also has adhd, depression, anxiety and learning issues. All while myself struggling with depression and severe anxiety. It’s been a very long road with not enough help along the way. Healthcare in Florida is a joke. I’m doing all I can but it hasn’t been enough. that’s my point- there’s only so much you can do alone, you need support and respite. You’re completely justified in feeling ‘hopeless’ especially if you live in a state that has lousy healthcareyou should never think that one person can take on what you are dealing with. Don’t judge what you don’t understand autism awareness shirt Simply depression alone is a burden one person can’t deal with. Having survived 9 years is an amazing feat and never forget to tell yourself that! I work as a kindergarten teacher and have had my fair share of children on the spectrum. Every parent is a hero and you should be proud of yourself! just don’t jump to the assumption that everyone has it all together and you’re the only mum who is struggling, you’ll drive yourself crazy
Have a good day and take it

He has a team of doctors. We have support from the school and some friends with kids like him. But you know how it is alone with your thoughts or those extra shit days. The long road ahead makes me sad and tired already It’s tough but you are tougher and never be afraid to reach out to those who are close to you when you feel like you can’t bear the weight of the world on your shoulders alone this road that was chosen for us is not easy at all. You may have tried already, but have you applied for CMS? I am in Florida and just got my son approved. It is healthcare specifically for special needs children. Therapies with joe Dimaggio have been a huge help for us and they take CMS.

We all handle things differently and that’s ok, I’m positive because I’ve noticed that when I’m happy he’s happier, if I’m stressed and frustrated he senses it, and also becomes frustrated and has more meltdowns. I live in Texas, and I have no family in the state, I had to quit my job because Liam used to bang his head on the floor and windows at daycare, so we’re on a tighter budget now. I don’t get a break, like ever. The ONLY times that my husband and I have been alone is when we’ve gone to the hospital to give birth to our other 2 children. I understand your struggle mama! I do. But trying to keep positive it VITAL for us autism mamas, you know why? Of course you do, because they need US. I have heard that healthcare is not great in Florida but respite care is available.

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