May I please have answers until it is updated. Why is it that the fish oil does not always seem to get the desired result in reducing the cytokine production Autism awareness tiger dare to be different shirt (the reason some people would require the VNS)? Does the DHA actually penetrate the brain, does it cross the blood brain barrier? Why do adults not respond well to the non-pharmaceutical inulin fiber?
Autism awareness tiger dare to be different shirt
I have been reading your great e-book however I do have several questions. Why is it that the fish oil does not always seem to get the desired result in reducing the cytokine production (the reason some people would require the VNS)? Does the DHA actually penetrate the brain? Why do adults not respond well to the non-pharmaceutical inulin fiber? Autism awareness tiger dare to be different shirt Thank you for your reply in advance and thank you for the great e-book. thank you for your questions and feedback on the book. We are hearing from parents all over the world and collecting these types of questions to incorporate into the e-book updates. Thank you for buying the book and for being a part of this growing process with us.
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I bought the ebook yesterday and am starting the protocol today for myself and my autistic daughter. I also know that we have heavy metals in our body due to my mercury fillings (one which was replaced when I was unknowingly pregnant with her), not to mention the vaccinations including flu shots. Will your protocol detox the metals as well? Do you recommend detoxing the metals in other ways (i.e. chelation) after we’ve been on your protocol for months? From what I was told, if it wasn’t in the book you would still answer the questions here.

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