If you want to give credit where credit is due…i saw this years ago in a video with an elderly woman and a young man. Pikachu I wear blue for autism awareness shirt She sat down at his table and instead of cookies it was a salad they shared. Lol Doesn’t matter. Still a great point and story.
Pikachu I wear blue for autism awareness shirt
I think the origin of the story should not matter, what matters is that this story is being shared and the energy of love and acceptance are being put out into the universe As a journalist, the bottom line is you credit the original author. Even if it is just a passing mention. Thank you for doing so here, as he did not do so. I follow his work, but I’m very disappointed here. im telling you this jay shetty s a fake hes bound to be exposed sometime soon for some lurid behaviour i can almost guarantee it people who hold themselves up as examples of virtue usually do. Pikachu I wear blue for autism awareness shirt doesnt surprise me one bit hes stolen this and passed it off as his own Its funny how this video is teaching us not to look at things one sided and yet we judging this man. I love how he does it and if he read it somewhere and teaches differently, hey hes doing the work God has given him to do in this world
Have a good day in here

I have a story to share that came to mind as soon as I watched this beautiful video. I was running late one afternoon and I had to stop at the pharmacy. It was around noon and their window was closed for lunch. I thought to myself “I’ve never been to a pharmacy that closed it’s window for lunch!” This irritated me even more. Then about 10 minutes later I heard a woman coming towards the seats around the side of me and she was breathing hard and I heard her husband talking to her and telling her it wouldn’t been long and they would be able to go home. I thought to myself “they better not think they are going to get in front of me because I was here first.”

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