man you all really can get riled up! It is not obstruction because, Sugar skull fairy it’s ok to be different autism awareness 3d hoodie he didn’t do it. Even if he did, it would not end the investigation, neccessarily. The same with firing Mueller. Even firing Meuller does not assure the investigation is ended. That is why this is all nonsense.
Sugar skull fairy it’s ok to be different autism awareness 3d hoodie
can see that you are a Democrat your party stands for Nazis, Slavery Segregation, KKK, racism, Socialists, Communists, Supremacist, Illegal immigrants, Murders and Baby Killers. So simple conversation between the president and an aid (regardless of category) can and is obstruction of Justice?? At least to ANY (regardless of position) Democrat! And why do we only get those little pieces of the conversation? The points that always make the President (or) from the Republican party look guilty?? Sugar skull fairy it’s ok to be different autism awareness 3d hoodie Hes such an idiot. Trump and his followers are racists that sold us out to the Ruskies and Saudis he is an insult to me as a veteran he he does not represent me and any veteran who supports him should tear up their didn’t you watch the hearing?

The President can’t ask people not to investigate him or anyone in his cabinet. He can’t say or do anything to influence it either. He clearly did just that on several occasions. This guy got put right in the middle of it. I’m not sure if he’s playing dumb or is dumb. Maybe both. simple conversation was meant only as a figure of speech! I think everyone on this page clearly knows what obstruction means. The remark was put simply as a ruse,