Person-first is generally not accepted by autistic people as it has history in the way we’ve been abused and in modern times is used by people Autism it takes a special teacher to hear a child shirt who want to talk about us, without including us, who want to condescend us, and find a “cure” for something that isn’t a disease.
Autism it takes a special teacher to hear a child shirt
I’m either very focused or not at all and it takes a lot of energy to find a balanced middle ground. Having a meeting in a public space is a big risk because I’ll either be really into it and be fine or I’ll focus too much on everything else and lose my grip on what’s in front of me. I can explain all day to people why my child is having a meltdown in public Autism it takes a special teacher to hear a child shirt or why we don’t attend certain events, but no one ever really understands and usually just think a spanking will solve the issue. Not every engine issue causes a car to overheat.
However, a good number of them do, and one of the most common reasons is because you need an oil change. Same thing. This is a COMMON trait among people on the autism spectrum. Just because you have this and you aren’t neurodivergent doesn’t invalidate their experience in any way. actually you ask the person first how they like to be adressed . Me as an autistic my self i like to be adressed as an autistic person not as a person with autism. It’s not like an accessory you drop at the door. And in the autistic community most autistics prefer autistic over person with autism I am not a person with autism.
Have a nice time in here and go shopping now

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