Sadly, schools are not made for each individual student, but they are all just a unit to the school system. They will teach everyone the same not as an individual. It’s ok to be a little different autism awareness shirt In all the time I went to school, I can maybe name 3 to 5 teachers whom I remember for being a real change in my life.
It’s ok to be a little different autism awareness shirt
I myself was adhd of course back then they had no idea what that was , so I was put on a stool in front of the class, or good with my nose in the middle of a circle on the blackboard. So I now of what I speak , because when I was being punished lol the children would laugh and I was disrupting the class.i loved it when they would laugh , It’s ok to be a little different autism awareness shirt but there were children in the class that needed a little more help and the teacher was too busy trying to keep me busy. I feel bad now because I ad no problem with the work and some did.
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That’s why parents must fight for their children…never give up, our kids deserve the best learning environment for them. A desk that they stand at instead of a seat they can’t sit still in. Let them fidget, if they have a need to. Chewing gum to help them focus. Don’t give up. Always be in the fight for your child. Stay in contact with their teacher, it lets them know you aren’t just going to sit back and let the school use “normal” techniques that don’t work for your child. It’s a slippery slope… there’s so many variables. While yes, in the big picture we want kids to be taught individually… its not realistic. The kid who fidgets and is walking around, distracts other children who dont need to fidget.
So, they made special classes for these children who need a little extra room to do their thing, but then parents got pissy cause they felt their kid wasn’t included. So schools added TA’s. Then there isnt enough for all the students with special needs. Everybody wants teachers to go above and beyond, even though they have 20ish kids all day and they dont get paid nearly enough, but parents need to step up too and not leave it all on someone else’s plate to deal with. Theres homeschool, theres schools designed specifically for kids with special needs etc. But there is a bigger picture and not many people are willing to step back and see that only so many can be catered to.

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