I wish awareness will eventually lead to acceptance. No one on the spectrum should be made to feel like the only reason they matter is because they are so called ”high functioning”. Baby elephant autism awareness shirt All people on the spectrum have value and should all be seen as full human beings. Just my two cents.
Baby elephant autism awareness shirt
It is however also the irony of this video, that the fact that she’s able to appreciate being, and even *want* to be autistic, is precisely because she’s “high functioning”. And very likely might not be the case, if she weren’t. There’s a difference between empathizing, being decent human beings in society towards those who are different, verses trying to normalize everything, or just destroy the very notion of normal, and treat everything as though it’s the same without any problems. Baby elephant autism awareness shirt The very reasons she gives for *why* she wants to be autistic — the fact that she has been able to do extraordinary things, create a documentary, etc. — are things that she would not have been able to do had she been low functioning.
This is also why there needs to be a more definitive description or explanation for those who cannot speak, express themselves or communicate effectively and live independent lives. This example of autism has absolutely nothing to do with our autism. We need a totally different set of supports and understanding. Why does there need to be a different description? No autistic person is automatically stuck at one point in the continuum of abilities, any more than any neurotypical person is. Every person, no matter their neurology, has different support needs, and those needs change as the person changes. For example: I’m an Autistic person who’s generally capable of “passing” as NT…but some days–which can stretch to weeks, or months, depending on the circumstances and supports available–I can barely manage getting out of bed.
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