I don’t know what it’s like to be deaf because I’ve never experienced it Busch hawaiian shirt but I do know what it’s like to be discriminated against for me having PTSD I was told that if
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no way no one in the shop didn’t hear that!! nevermind, don’t answer, already dealing with one lifeless troll…don’t need two imbeciles cluttering up my notifications. Busch hawaiian shirt no one is ignoring, you keep interrupting my facetimes with notifications. So what do you want troll… spit it out…like your mom should have done u when ya daddy nutted in her mouth you have a serious problem, all sexual innuendoes.. I guess your husband prefers his fun somewhere else!! Google escorts if you can afford one!! A lot of frustration needs to be released, don’t worry, they are not fussy.. I think you have hearing issues if you can’t tell she’s deaf. And yes some deaf people can speak well if they weren’t deaf from birth usually.
She cannot hear through the speaker so she had to come to him through the window and he miss treated her, he wasn’t listening to her so she had to resort to saying discrimination! He was discriminating her disability that’s not about race! You are so wrong just like him naw I don’t need any escorts…again follow your own advice. I have no frustrations, I actually just feel sorry for you that you are this lonely and pathetic for attention. I pity you. You crave attention. I’m here for you. This is probably the most attention you’ve had in a while and it shows. You have to talk nicely to the metally impaired. Is that why you got so involved a a FB comment, because of your mental disability…you were relating to her?!? I understand now. Whatcha ya wanna talk about Sis?!?