Find you security first and then find your partner and be confident enough to say “no, that’s hurtful.” 1913 delta sigma dst theta sorority paraphernalia shirt Without that you are at the mercy of someone criticism. That also applies to friendships too.
1913 delta sigma dst theta sorority paraphernalia shirt
First of all you got to love yourself for who you are but when you’re with someone you like them to make you feel loved and appreciate it I don’t think he appreciated what he had or care about her feelings that’s it some guys are like that I might be like that sometime too not thinking before I speak but not that mean hell no then again you don’t see it till you see it like how you just see it you know some people be doing it not knowing they’re doing it 1913 delta sigma dst theta sorority paraphernalia shirt You security and peace of mind comes from what you surround yourself with. The question is not why is she so insecure, the question is why does she allow him to be a part of her life when it’s clear that he doesn’t have her best interest at heart.
So true my husband always had online affairs and on his phone, and all females he knew always got compliments on their selfies snd I never got compliments on my selfies, on top of everything after 10 years of marriage he gave me a permanent STD that causes cancers, unfortunately he still doing the whole online things looking to transmit the STD he knows he has. I left a little over a year ago. My health isn’t repairable and yes relate to this video on how it makes you feel.Be strong enough to tell him how you really feel and if he blames you for everything and doesn’t take responsibility for his own actions, send him on his way. If you stay with someone who is comfortable taking you for granted it will only get worse.
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